---- News, Views & Information

Old Pictures of Amersham
White Lion Road from the 1980s

I am very grateful to visitors to this site who have provided the following pictures for display.

If anyone has any pictures I can display, please email the web master

I am grateful to Dawn Fowler from Australia for the below photos from the 1980s.  She and her best friend spent 2 years living in Amersham, on White Lion Road above what was then Robertson's Butchers.  .

White Lion Road 1980s

Robertson's butchers shop and Russel's Bakery on a snoway day in the mid 80s

White Lion Road 1980s

The same butchers and bakery in better weather!

White Lion Road 1980s

A mod 1980s view along White Lion Road towards Flack's garage.

White Lion Road

A view along White Lion Road towards Little Chalfont

St Geroges Industrial Estate

A view across St George's Industrial Estate with a hot air balloon overhead.  At one time a lot of hot air balloons could be seen in the Amersham area.  There was a balloon take off point out towards Missenden.

Traction Engine White Lion Road

A traction engine trundles along White Lion Road.  It may possibly have come from Boughtons close.
Pineapple Pub

The Pineapple pub mid 1980s

click here for the old picture index

We would be very please to receive other photographs of Amersham, past or present, please email the web master if you can help.

Any additions, corrections, alterations, please email the web master

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